vineri, 9 august 2013

Birou de traduceri

Stiti care e diferenta dintre o traducere autorizata si o traducere legalizata? Niste semnaturi si niste stampile in plus si aproape 40 de lei in minus. Oare merita sa dati banii astia? Nu se pune problema daca merita ci daca aveti nevoie de aceasta procedura notariala, daca vi se solicita in locul unde depuneti actele. Ce inseamna aceasta legalizare? Inseamna ca notarul autentifica semnatura si stampila traducatorului, adica spune ca traducatorul e traducator. Daca ai nevoie de o traducere legalizata ieftina si de calitate iti recomand biroul de traduceri din cladirea Spectrum. Sunt amabili, se misca repede iar treaba e facuta cu profesionalism.

vineri, 7 octombrie 2011

Asigurare casco

Asigurarile Casco sunt potrivite atunci cand doriti sa aveti o siguranta in plus fata de automobilul dumneavoastra. In cazul unor avarii accidentale sau a furturilor, asigurarile Casco sunt alegerea perfecta.

In cazul furturilor si avarilor accidentale este o solutie eficienta ! Asigurarile Casco care va ofera acoperirea daunelor. Sunt accesibile, usor de realizat, asigurarile Casco fiind alegerea perfecta pentru dumneavoastra !

marți, 8 martie 2011


I decided that I would start every day with a pencil and wash drawing of some vegetable(s). The first day, I went to the fridge and took out three out of the four vegetables that are cooked every day (the fourth being onions): ginger, green chillies and tomatoes. Some small eggplants were lying in the bin, so I added one of those as well.

I started with the ginger, and tried to pay very close attention to all of its knobs and ridges. I was pretty happy with it.

Then the chillie. It was harder, because it had fewer features, and I had a difficult time making the colours intense enough. I started with an underglaze of yellow, but after several washes of greens, trying to get the colours right, I lost the yellow, so had to go back and add it again. Then I lost the highlight... sigh.

The tomatoes were even tougher, especially the one on the left - did you know that that was meant to be a tomato? No particular features, and that incredible red/ orange...

Finally the little eggplant, which was more satisfactory.

Drawing and painting these vegetables was so intense and satisfying! I got into that wordless mode where one is very focussed on what one is doing, and was very sorry when I fell out of it again, into the noisy world.


The day that I painted the vegetables just below this, I went to the store to buy some more models to paint. I thought I'd make sure to get some fruits / vegetables with more features, protrusions, patterns, than the tomatoes and green chillies of the morning. So I bought the most fiendishly complicated fruit available, the pineapple, of all things!

Don't ask why it's about to take a nosedive - it's about turning the paper to make it fit; and about being left-handed. It would have looked better if I'd flipped the image vertically, but then the shadow would have been on top.

The pineapple was somewhat skinny and bedraggled, so I painted it that way. I keep having to go back and adding another layer of glaze, because I'm timid about the colours. So then I went overboard on the body of the pineapple, and made it much too orange. I tried to tone that down with a layer of sepia, and the whole thing melted into a blur. And of course, it's more of a symbol of a pineapple than the amazingly intricate thing itself. I enjoyed looking at all its patterns and folds, anyway.


I am happy about this drawing -- I corrected the lines as I went, and felt that I had done a good job of capturing the shapes of the vegetables. I decided that I'd better scan it before painting it, in case I screwed it up later. The lines are darker than in reality:

What is it about red? First I had a problem getting the tomatoes to look right; the red pepper was even worse. I like the way the yellow one turned out, though:

In September 2004, I had tried painting a green pepper for the first time. It has a certain tortured, expressionist look to it, for which I feel a certain fondness. I've gotten looser since then, and more in control of colour and the watercolour medium:

Sita's Fruit

This is called Sita's fruit in India - Sita was the wife of Rama, the hero of the epic Ramayana - and custard apple elsewhere.

The fruit is soft, grainy off-white, and wrapped around glossy black seeds. The best way to eat it is to cut of the top and spoon out the fruit. It has a delicate flavour that I like - not everyone does.

Pencil and watercolour wash, with a bit of ink here and there in the shadows.

It's a little teapot

It's supposed to be pewter, but it might be better if I call it china, since it looks nothing like metal. The teapot, that is. I painted it without doing a pencil sketch first, and I did four versions on a large sheet of good Arches paper (that's my preliminary sketch in my notebook underneath). This is the last and best version, with a bit of blue glass from #1 on the lower left, and an unfinished window shutter from an abandoned picture floating in the upper left.

My father bought the tea set when I was a kid - just the small pot, big enough for two cups; and handle-less sugar bowl and creamer. They were very modern at the time, and I've always liked them, even though the pot is too small for more than one person, and I'm too lazy to get it out just for me. But being pewter, they're dull, with that buttery pewter glow; and people think that they're silver and that I'm slovenly and haven't bothered to polish them.